Blog Archives

Assistant Professor of Spiritual Care and Practical Theology

Emmanuel College invites applications for a full-time faculty position in Spiritual Care and Practical Theology. This is a tenure-track appointment at the rank of assistant professor. The successful candidate will possess the ability to teach a variety of theories and practices of spiritual care and spiritually integrated psychotherapy to students from diverse religious and spiritual

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Assistant Professor of United Church of Canada Studies

Emmanuel College invites applications for a full-time tenure-track appointment in United Church of Canada (UCC) Studies at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will hold a PhD or ThD in a theological discipline, possess extensive knowledge of and ministry experience with the UCC, and demonstrate the ability to research and teach courses related

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-Director of Latino Ministries -Professor of New Testament Job descriptions for both are available on our website: We want faculty members who engage students, the church, and the wider culture through teaching, mentoring, preaching and scholarship. We especially encourage applications from women and members of ethnic minority groups and would welcome applications and nominations for these positions as well. Tenure

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