Position: Professor of Theology
Job Location: Toronto, ON
Job Posting: Octoer 9, 2020
Review of applications will begin November 9, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.
Wycliffe is a graduate school of Theology in the evangelical and Anglican tradition, working within the Toronto School of Theology (https://www.tst.edu) and granting degrees conjointly with the University of Toronto (https://www.utoronto.ca/about-u-of-t).
Our college is devoted to the study of Scripture as the foundation for Christian faith and practice, and in its recently adopted Strategic Plan, Wycliffe has committed itself to making the theological interpretation of Scripture a priority for teaching and scholarship (https://www.wycliffecollege.ca/strategicplan).
While it is not necessary that candidates be affiliated with the Anglican church, applicants for this position should have a deep affinity with Wycliffe’s mission, vision, and moral commitments, and must be able to subscribe to the College’s Six Principles (see https://www.wycliffecollege.ca/about-us/mission-values).
The successful candidate should ideally be a mid-career or senior scholar with a relevant PhD or Th.D., and a strong track record of graduate teaching and publication. In particular, they will have staked out an area of specialized theological research and writing that is recognized in their field and that comports with the wider traditions of evangelical and catholic Christianity as centred on the person of Jesus Christ.
In addition to and informing their area of specialization, the candidate should exhibit a breadth of competency in the theological tradition of the universal Church as well as its grounding in and relation to Scripture. They should be able to engage substantive aspects of patristic, medieval, and Reformation thought, as well as a range of modern and non-Western theological concerns, including global Evangelicalism. The candidate will be able to teach responsibly across the range of doctrinal traditions represented by Wycliffe’s students, and to engage the theological bequest to which Wycliffe’s graduate education is committed. They will have the ability and willingness to teach in both on-campus and online modes, supervise theses at the doctoral level, and pursue publishable research. Responsibilities include teaching up to five courses per year and making productive use of Wycliffe’s generous sabbatical policies. They will be expected to participate in the wider community life of the College and Chapel, preaching where asked and enjoying a collegial rapport with other faculty at Wycliffe and TST.
In order to be considered for this position, please submit the following in either PDF or MS Word:
- A letter of application detailing your suitability for this position and including your email address and telephone number;
- A comprehensive curriculum vitae, including education, employment history, teaching experience, areas of current research, and evidence of scholarship and publication;
- Three references in support of your application (please ask your referees to send their references directly to Wycliffe College at the address indicated below);
- A recent sample of your writing (no more than 3,000 words); and
- A statement of your teaching philosophy.
All documents should be sent electronically to the Manager, Human Resources, Karen Baker-Bigauskas at principalsoffice@wycliffe.utoronto.ca , and to the attention of the Principal, Bishop Stephen Andrews. Rank and salary will be commensurate with the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience.
Wycliffe College is committed to employment equity and offers equal opportunities to qualified women and men, including visible minorities and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in keeping with Canadian law, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Final appointment is subject to receipt of official transcripts and completion of a satisfactory criminal record check.
If you want to make an informal inquiry please contact: the Rt Rev’d Dr Stephen Andrews, Principal, at sgwa@wycliffe.utoronto.ca
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