Canadian Theological Society / Société théologique canadienne
Student Essay Contest
Subject: “Connected Understanding” or another topic in theology
Eligibility: any Canadian student currently registered in a university or theological college, in Canada or elsewhere, or any other student registered in a Canadian university or theological college
Length: 20 pages, typed and double spaced (5,000 words)
Due Date: February 5, 2010 (by e-mail only)
Essays need not be written originally for this contest and may be assignments from a course in theology or religious studies. The topic, however, must be theological in nature. This year’s theme allows for exploration of, for example, theology and globalization, the relation of theology to other disciplines, or the relation of Christianity to other religions.
A letter or e-mail from a member of the theological or religious studies department to which the student belongs, indicating that the student is registered and in good standing with the university or college, must also be submitted for each applicant.
The author of the winning essay will receive a $100 student prize; an invitation to read the paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Theological Society at Concordia University, Montreal, 31 May-2 June 2010; payment of conference registration and accommodation costs; and a subvention towards travel costs.
Send essays by e-mail by February 5, 2010 to Lee Cormie at
Please include with your submission: institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone number(s), and e-mail address. Submission via e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word is preferred.
Send letters verifying a student’s registration in a theological college or university to the above e-mail address, or by mail to Lee Cormie, Faculty of Theology, St. Michael’s College, 81 St. Mary St., Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
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