
Part-time job opportunity at STU

The three partner colleges of the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU) are seeking a Doctor of Ministry Program Director. The Director will lead the implementation of the STU’s cooperative Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program in collaboration with the DMin Committee of the Common Faculty of the STU. The successful applicant can work on-site or remotely. For

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Canadian Theological Society Statement Calling for an End to Violence

At this time, the death toll in Gaza has surpassed 37,000 persons, including more than 15,000 children.  In the occupied West Bank, more than 553 people have been killed, including over 137 children. More than 90,000 Palestinians have been injured since October 7, 2023, in Gaza and the West Bank. On that day, 1,139 Israelis were killed and a further

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Detailed Program and Update on Canadian Theological Society Conference

  LINK TO DETAILED PROGRAM FOR THE CTS 2024 ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The detailed program is a living document that aims to provide complete, accurate, and up-to-date information regarding all aspects of the conference. In an evolving situation, the detailed program will serve as an ongoing point of reference.   CHANGE TO CONFERENCE LOCATION: All

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