
A Rocha Creation Care event in Winnipeg

“As the earth changes, many of us struggle to find our role in caring for creation. We struggle with theological questions, practical problems, and simply loving our places. We want to ask these questions with you! Will you join us from June 9-11 at Be Not Afraid and Consider the Lillies, two events converging in

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International Conference: Religion in Modern Education: Conflict, Policy, and Practice

Call for Papers                                                               International Conference: Religion in Modern Education: Conflict, Policy, and Practice 13-15 April 2023, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia   Abstract Deadline: 14 February 2023         In democratic systems of modern society, education can be understood as a key site for the production of the citizens of

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Grace Professor of Leadership (Tenure track)

Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, invites applications for Grace Professor of Leadership (tenure track). Applicants should demonstrate academic and practical engagement with church leadership and be prepared to teach courses on church leadership to students in MDiv, MTS, and DMin programs, diaconal candidates, and lay leaders. This

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