Update on Meeting in Montreal

The Canadian Theological Society (CTS) is moving forward with an in-person meeting in Montreal. We recognize that concerns have been raised regarding protests taking place on the McGill campus and the strike underway among McGill law professors. We believe that the agenda for our meeting is aligned with the values of dignity, equity, and justice present in these movements.

As an act of solidarity with faculty labour movements, the CTS executive has decided to move the first day of the conference off the McGill campus to the Newman Centre. As an organization in solidarity with the union, all members of CTS will receive “picket passes” and those holding a “picket pass” will not be considered by the union to be crossing the picket line.

A statement regarding violence in Gaza and direct action on university campuses will be presented for discussion at the CTS AGM.
More information will be shared with members and participants over the coming days. The CTS executive is grateful for your patience and support as we navigate these complex questions and their concrete implications.

If you have concerns about your participation of the Canadian Theological Society meeting, we encourage you to reach out to CTS president Sarah Johnson (Sarah.Kathleen.Johnson@ustpaul.ca) and CTS program chair Meghan Bowen (meghan.bowen@mail.utoronto.ca).