Annual Conference Program

Canadian Theological Society Annual Conference 2024

In association with the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Congress 2024 


Sustaining Shared Futures


McGill University, Montreal QC

Monday, June 17 – Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Unless otherwise specified, all presentations will take place at McIntyre Medical Building

(3655 Promenade Sir William Osler), Rm. 206




8:30-9:00            Introductory Remarks


9:00-10:00         Panel 1 – “Emerging Methods for Contemporary Issues”

-          Merciful Dialogue as Theological Method (Meghan Bowen)

-          Sin, Anxiety and Bowen Family Systems Theory (Fraser Elsdon)

-          Social Reconciliation: The Generative Contention of Spiritual Gift and Social Task (Gordon Rixon)

-          The United Church of Canada’s Theology of Inclusion (Don Schweitzer)


10:00-10:10      Transition (10 minutes)


10:10-11:00      Panel 2 – “Theologies of Treaty” (proposed panel)

-          Ray Aldred, Christina Conroy, Matthew Anderson


11:00-11:20      Break (20 minutes)


1120-12:30        DEJ Panel 1 – Which Way Canada? An Afro-Migration Timeline

-          Dorothy Williams


12:30-13:30     Lunch


13:30-14:30      Panel 3 – “Resistance and Critique of Normative Narratives”

-          Refusing to “Sustain” the Future (Ryan Turnbull)

-          Relinquishing Hope at the End (Kayko Driedger Hesslein)

-          The Desire of Every Living Thing: Cosmotheandric Christology and Ecological Collapse (Brett Potter)

-          The Naming of Eve in Genesis 3 and Anthropocentric Sin (Rosemary Boissoneau)


14:30-14:50     Break (20 minutes)


14:50-16:00      Newman Lecture – “From Vertical to Horizontal: World Repairing Work for the Common Good”

-          Lori Beaman


16:00-18:00     President’s Cocktail Hour (event presented by FHSS)




9:00-10:00         Panel 4 – “Problematizing and Expanding Boundaries”

-          Healing as Journey toward Wholeness: Articulating the Complementary Roles of Psychology and Spiritual Theology in Human Development (Jean-Pierre Fortin)

-          Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Understanding of the Beatific Vision and the Art Form of Drama (Li-Wei Liu)

-          Christian Martyrdom, Violence, and the Catholicity of Interpretation (Jeremy M. Bergen)

-          Our Common Home as Sacramental Communion: The Interdependent Sacramentality of Creation at the Heart of the Ecotheology and Cosmology of Laudato Si (Fr. Warren Schmidt)


10:00-10:10     Transition (10 minutes)


10:10-11:00      Panel 5 – “Healing Haunted Histories” (proposed panel)

-          Joshua Zentner-Barrett, Erik Sorensen, SJ, Nnaemeka Ali, OMI, Dr. Christine Jamieson; Dr. Sheila Smith, RSCJ, moderator


11:00-11:20     Break (20 minutes)


11:20-12:30      DEJ Panel 2  – “Interrogating the (Im)Possibility of Shared Futures”

-          Ahmeda Mansaray-Richardson, Rubén David Bonlla Ramos, Deivit Montealegre Cuenca


12:30-13:30     Networking Lunch


13:30-14:20      Panel 6 – “Lonergan and Settler Colonialism” (proposed panel)

-          Reid Locklin, Kyle Ferguson, Deanna Zantingh, Christine Jamieson


14:20-14:30     Transition (10 minutes)





14:30-15:20      Panel 7 – “Decentring Epistemologies”

-          Assessing the Development of Biblical Hermeneutics in Africa and its Effect on African Christianity and Society – A Case Study of the Ghanaian Context (Felix Percy Longdon)

-          A Story of the Teepee in the St. Thomas More College Chapel, Postsecularism, and Inculturation: The Emic and Etic in Interdisciplinary Conversation (Christopher Hrynkow)

-          “Renewing Rural Worship” through Receptive Ecumenism (Mykayla Turner)


15:20-15:40     Break (20 minutes)


15:40-16:30      AGM


16:30-18:00      Free Time – please take this time to socialize with other members of CTS, and make your way to the banquet location


18:00 – Banquet (Location TBD)




9:00-10:30         Joint Lecture with the Canadian Society of Church History – “A Truly African Christianity: The Leadership of John G. Gatu.”

-          Tim Larsen

Location: Otto Maass Chemistry Building (801 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest), Rm. 10

            This session is made possible with the financial support of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences


10:30-11:00      Time to return to CTS conference location (McIntyre Medical Building, Rm. 206)


11:00-11:50      Panel 8 – “Experiments in Decolonization: On the Writing of Ethical Guidelines to Address Spiritual Violence Committed by Christian Among Indigenous Peoples in Canada” (proposed panel)

-          Christine Jamieson, Ven. Roselyn Kantlaht’ant Elm, Christina Conroy; Lori Ransom, moderator


11:50-13:00     Lunch


13:00-13:50      Panel 9 – “Future Vision of Liberation and Inclusion”

-          Theologizing Canadian Landscapes as Black Futures (Channelle Robinson)

-          Harvey Milk and the Legacy of Hope: A Theological Virtue for Today (Tilly Flood)

-          Pope Francis and the Politics of the New Evangelization (Nick Olkovich)


13:50-14:00     Transition (10 minutes)

14:00-14:50      Panel 10 – “Women: Advocacy and Liberation”

-          Eros and Mysticism as Liberating Theology (Emmanuelle Christie)

-          The Lord has Heard the Desire of the Poor: How Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on Psalms can Help the Church Understand and Address the Crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Liam Farrer)

-          “Quieter, feminine, emotional”: Enacting and Disrupting Biblical Womanhood on the Contemporary Worship Stage (Anneli Loepp Thiessen)


14:50-15:10     Break (20 minutes)


15:10-16:00      Presidential Address

-          Sarah Kathleen Johnson


16:00-16:30      Closing Remarks