Getting to Know Your Exec

Doris M. Kieser, PhD

Hello Everyone – I am currently the Past President of CTS, and in my third year serving on the Executive. About me… I’m an Assistant Professor of Theology at St. Joseph’s College at the University of Alberta. I teach theology, ethics, and spirituality, usually in the general areas of bioethics and sexuality. I am also a psychological counsellor and maintain a small practice in Edmonton. My research and writing includes elements of both theology and psychology, and reflects a particular commitment to social justice and the flourishing of girls and women. I enjoy doodling, travel, and a nice Malbec. Sometimes, chocolate is nice too.

This is my last of 3 years on the CTS Executive – the first as President-Elect, the second as President, and this one as Past-President. My time working with the wonderful and varied members of the Executive has been lovely – I have served with dedicated, supportive, and thoughtful friends and colleagues. CTS is a theological home for me. I have cut my academic teeth amid fine scholars who supported my emerging scholarship and subsequently invited dialogues of depth and diversity. I hope your time and experience with CTS is as abundant and fulfilling as mine has been. Welcome one and all.